No Jumping Glutes Exercise

The Best 5 Glutes Exercise for Those Who Hate Doing Squats and Lunges!!

Get That Peach Booty!!

Nidhi Thakur
6 min readJul 29, 2021
Glutes Exercise
At-Home Glutes Exercise Circuit

No squats or No hardcore jumping! Regardless of whether your knees are OK or still in a recovery phase after severe injury, these selective glute moves are incredible for changing your booty composition.

If you have been through a severe knee injury, it tends to be disappointing to discover practices that don’t do any harm yet will in any case target and tone your bootayy!!

If you can’t jump or lunge and yet need to work on that peach butt? Then below are listed are few glutes exercises that are the best choice for your knees.

We have you covered this circuit routine with five of the best butt workouts in addition to a quick warm-up session in beginning and cool down the stretch towards the end.

How This Glutes Exercise Circuit Works?

Glutes Exercise

Do each move for the number of reps listed below, finish the circuit and repeat this circuit.

  • Do at least 15 to 20 reps;
  • Repeat the whole circuit for total 4 rounds;
  • Keep switching sides and maintain a similar number of reps on each side.

During This Workout Session You’ll Need:

  • A Yoga Mat
  • A Water Bottle
  • A Cotton Towel


It is very important to start feeling a little loosen up in your muscles and bones to avoid any injury during a workout. So, please make sure you must do any of these 3 warm-ups before diving into your glute workout.

Perform 10 Rounds of Sun Salutation; or

Glutes Exercise

Do a 10 minutes Brisk Walk

Glutes Exercise

1. Glute Bridges

A. Lie on your mat, face the ceiling.

B. Bend your knees, keep your feet flat onto the ground. Place your hand on the sides with palms touching the ground.

C. Lift from your core up from the ground and then your hips. Sick your upper body onto the mat. Your hips and shoulders must form a straight line.

D. Now, simply push your hips up and down.

Glutes Exercise

E. Make sure you squeeze your butt as much you can when you go up. Hold the squeeze up there and slowly come down.

F. Also, while you come down, do not completely rest your hips on the ground. Maintain distance from the mat while you come down.

G. Move with momentum. Rest your hips on the ground only when reps are done.

2. Donkey Kicks

Glutes Exercise

A. Get in a tabletop position, facing the floor. Knees and palms onto the ground.

B. Keep your hands, shoulder-width apart, and knees hip-width apart. Also, make sure your core and legs are super engaged the whole time as you perform this workout.

C. Push and lift one leg and make a 90-degree angle and then lower it back towards the start position.

D. Repeat this same movement on one side. While doing reps, make sure not to touch and rest your knee on the ground. Maintain distance from the mat while you come down.

E. Rest your knee on the ground only when reps are done with one side.

F. Similarly, repeat this same movement on the other side.

3. Fire Hydrants

A. Kneel and again place your hands on the ground forming a tabletop position.

B. Keep your hands, shoulder-width apart, and knees hip-width apart. Also, make sure your core and legs are super engaged the whole time as you perform this workout.

C. Lift one leg sideways at 90 degrees and then lower it back towards the start position.

Glutes Exercise

D. Make sure not to touch and rest your knee on the ground. Maintain distance from the mat while you come down.

E. Rest your knee on the ground only when reps are done with one side.

F. Similarly, repeat this same movement on the other side.

4. Side Plank with Leg Lift

Glutes Exercise

A. Lie down on your one side. Keep your elbow on the ground.

B. Lift your shoulders and hips in the air sideways. Make sure you are forming a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.

C. Stay balanced by engaging your shoulders, core, and legs. If the balance is difficult then bend and keep the leg closer to the mat on the ground for support.

Glutes Exercise
Modified Side Leg Lift

D. Now, raise your top leg without bending your knee. Make sure you push from your core and side hips, keeping the leg engaged and toes pointed

E. Return to the starting position and Maintain distance from the mat while you come down.

F. Rest your top leg on the ground only when you are done with your reps.

G. Similarly, repeat the same movement on the other side.

5. Pulse Glute Bridges For 1 Minute

A. Just like you performed the glute bridges at the beginning of this circuit, get in that same stance.

B. Only difference is that the movement has a smaller range of motion now.

Glutes Exercise

C. Move, engage, and squeeze your butt up and down but do not come all the way down.

D. These are called pulses for a reason, the range of motion is very small but to make it burn we will try to be super-fast with our speed. This will help you feel the booty burning on fire!!



Finally, you have reached the end of this circuit. If you do not want to end up feeling super sore the next day, you must perform your cool-down stretches at last.

Make sure to stretch and hold for 1 minute on each side.

Pigeon Pose

Glutes Exercise

Garland Pose

Glutes Exercise

Lizard Lower Lunge

Glutes Exercise

Frog Stretch Pose

Glutes Exercise

Standing Forward Bend Touching Toes or Reaching Out Between Both Legs

Glutes Exercise



Nidhi Thakur
Nidhi Thakur

Written by Nidhi Thakur

Welcome to my blog, where I share my thoughts, feelings, and knowledge on Technology, Health, and Lifestyle.

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